Monday, February 8, 2010

Whatever you need, we do!

One of the things I find interesting is the variety of requests we get at Heartfelt of Sedona...and am quite pleased with the diversity of all our executive team, wonderful caregivers and personal assistants.
For example we recently moved an older couple out of their home into their daughter's home... Helped them sort through what they wanted to keep, sell what they didn't want and literally put them in the car and took them to their new home. Quite a project, but they thought it was easy and almost fun!
In just one day last week we picked up someone from the hospital, and got them settled comfortably in their home; delivered an important package to Flagstaff for an executive; and prepared a delightful spread for one of our client's afternoon bridge parties (and cleaned up afterward of course).
We truly get a kick out of doing anything for anyone of any age any time anywhere that they don't want to do or can't do for themselves! And always with a smile!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2009 winding down :-)

I love November and December...especially the last few weeks of the year, because just about everyone is friendlier. I was at a store today and made an effort to chat a little with some of the older people who looked a bit lost and confused. All were receptive to a hello and some made funny comments and another was delighted to have someone talk to her, even if it was only about 'the great values and fun displays'. Have a wonderful December, and take just a little time to connect with those around you. A smile almost always gets a smile in return :-)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

There is always lots to be thankful for! Be sure and remember those who are alone. Even a brief phone call can make someone's day! Wishing you love and outrageous happiness,

Patty, Shaun, Brandy

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We are proud to be different!

There are many good, non-medical, in home care companies, with good people. However, when we decided to open Heartfelt of Sedona, we knew we wanted to be different from anyone else out there.
First of all, we wanted people to be delighted to see us, rave about our service, and know from the beginning that they could count on us for small things or large projects.
Second, we wanted to give families and clients peace of mind in knowing that we are their extended family and are ready, willing and able to help; on a one time basis or daily.
And finally, we wanted to be diverse enough so that we could take care of a family member's personal needs when they weren't able or didn't want to take care of themselves...or we could also help someone move, go to a movie, throw an elegant or informal party, or organize the pantry.
We are the staff everyone wishes they had. With our executive team and our employees, we have diverse, extensive backgrounds and can fill just about any request with a smile. And if we can't--we'll find someone who can!

Sometimes we all need a little help...and sometimes we need a lot! Count on Heartfelt of Sedona for anything you, your family, friends or neighbors need...we're here for you!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Your large extended family!

How fun it is to really make a difference in people's lives! This last month we've helped an elderly couple move; we've used our mobile office to notarize several signatures for people who were bedridden; we assisted a wonderful lady in her home after an accident; we furnished the food for approximately 100 people at a presentation & book signing; and we even helped with an estate sale. We do for people what they can't or don't want to do for themselves!
Sometimes we all need a little help and sometimes we need a lot! Think of Heartfelt of Sedona as your large extended family--ready, willing and able to lend that helping hand when you need it!We often say, "With enough competent staff, life is a breeze." We can provide the help and the staff! Heartfelt of Sedona (928) 284-3750

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Been there... Don't do it alone!

Until you actually care for someone you just don't know how it is.
You disrupt your life; you do things you are not 'trained' or 'educated' to do and you wonder when it will all go away and life will get back to normal again.
If you'd just like someone to help talk it through, please, call heartfelt and let us come by for a no obligation visit. It could change your life, for the better! We've been there, we know.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I can't afford much...

I got a call from a distraught daughter who said her Mom wasn't well and she couldn't take off work right now; she was afraid she's lose her job if she did. I checked on her Mother and she did need a little help, but it wasn't critical and we took care of everything for less than $100. The daughter paid for the services with her credit card and said the plane ticket alone, to come out herself, would have been over $600. Mom's taken care of and everyone has peace of mind. That's why it's fun to be a part of Heartfelt of Sedona.