Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2009 winding down :-)

I love November and December...especially the last few weeks of the year, because just about everyone is friendlier. I was at a store today and made an effort to chat a little with some of the older people who looked a bit lost and confused. All were receptive to a hello and some made funny comments and another was delighted to have someone talk to her, even if it was only about 'the great values and fun displays'. Have a wonderful December, and take just a little time to connect with those around you. A smile almost always gets a smile in return :-)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

There is always lots to be thankful for! Be sure and remember those who are alone. Even a brief phone call can make someone's day! Wishing you love and outrageous happiness,

Patty, Shaun, Brandy

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We are proud to be different!

There are many good, non-medical, in home care companies, with good people. However, when we decided to open Heartfelt of Sedona, we knew we wanted to be different from anyone else out there.
First of all, we wanted people to be delighted to see us, rave about our service, and know from the beginning that they could count on us for small things or large projects.
Second, we wanted to give families and clients peace of mind in knowing that we are their extended family and are ready, willing and able to help; on a one time basis or daily.
And finally, we wanted to be diverse enough so that we could take care of a family member's personal needs when they weren't able or didn't want to take care of themselves...or we could also help someone move, go to a movie, throw an elegant or informal party, or organize the pantry.
We are the staff everyone wishes they had. With our executive team and our employees, we have diverse, extensive backgrounds and can fill just about any request with a smile. And if we can't--we'll find someone who can!

Sometimes we all need a little help...and sometimes we need a lot! Count on Heartfelt of Sedona for anything you, your family, friends or neighbors need...we're here for you!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Your large extended family!

How fun it is to really make a difference in people's lives! This last month we've helped an elderly couple move; we've used our mobile office to notarize several signatures for people who were bedridden; we assisted a wonderful lady in her home after an accident; we furnished the food for approximately 100 people at a presentation & book signing; and we even helped with an estate sale. We do for people what they can't or don't want to do for themselves!
Sometimes we all need a little help and sometimes we need a lot! Think of Heartfelt of Sedona as your large extended family--ready, willing and able to lend that helping hand when you need it!We often say, "With enough competent staff, life is a breeze." We can provide the help and the staff! Heartfelt of Sedona (928) 284-3750

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Been there... Don't do it alone!

Until you actually care for someone you just don't know how it is.
You disrupt your life; you do things you are not 'trained' or 'educated' to do and you wonder when it will all go away and life will get back to normal again.
If you'd just like someone to help talk it through, please, call heartfelt and let us come by for a no obligation visit. It could change your life, for the better! We've been there, we know.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I can't afford much...

I got a call from a distraught daughter who said her Mom wasn't well and she couldn't take off work right now; she was afraid she's lose her job if she did. I checked on her Mother and she did need a little help, but it wasn't critical and we took care of everything for less than $100. The daughter paid for the services with her credit card and said the plane ticket alone, to come out herself, would have been over $600. Mom's taken care of and everyone has peace of mind. That's why it's fun to be a part of Heartfelt of Sedona.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Don't try to do it all alone!

Many times you are tired, and would just like a little help with a variety of things...such as going through the stack of insurance papers; or cleaning out the refrigerator and organizing the cabinets; or cleaning out the gutters and washing the windows. Or, it might be something more personal like helping your loved one bath and get dressed in the morning; or giving you 2 worry-free hours all to yourself away from any chores or responsibility.

When there is time to think of "life", you might admit - to yourself of course - that you are simply tired of doing everything by yourself, but you have no idea where to turn for good, reliable help, like a loving family member could give if they were close by and had lots of time... And besides, you don't like to worry your family; so, you keep pushing yourself and doing what has to be done, and saying "I can do it all alone for now."

If you had our Heartfelt of Sedona family to help you for only a few hours a week, it would make a tremendous difference in your emotional and physical health, your peace of mind, and your quality of life. Why not give us a call today and get a free analysis of what we could do for you. Doesn't cost anything to chat and have a cup of coffee or tea, and it might just change your life for the better!
Heartfelt of Sedona: your large, extended, friendly family; just a phone call away. (928) 284-3750.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home care & happiness!

Sometimes when you think of someone who is homebound you don't think of happiness and joy and laughter. Well at Heartfelt of Sedona these are watch words for us and extremely important.
We take care of people in their homes--and do that very well. We keep them safe and at home for as long as possible. However, we also strive very hard to bring laughter, joy and a breath of fresh air; and give our clients just as much happiness in their day as we possibly can. Life is too short not to enjoy every minute we can. We do for people what they can't, or don't want to do for themselves...and we do it with a smile!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Home Care--what makes it the best choice?

As parents begin to age, they and their families are faced with many difficult choices.
Live with kids or relatives?
Go to an assisted living facility?
Skilled Nursing?
Stay put with in-home help?

Each situation is different. But this is one of many reasons Heartfelt of Sedona began.
We are a family of 3 generations who have taken care of aging loved ones; we have worked in skilled nursing & rehab, and we have seen good care and bad. We are excellent advocates and consultants.

When someone is unable to do things for themselves sometimes they need just a little help and sometimes a lot.
Heartfelt of Sedona's Executive Team always sits down and listens to find out what is happening and what needs to happen. We take everything into consideration then make a recommendation.
We stay involved from start to finish; are always available and check to make sure all our clients are happy, safe and are getting the care they have asked for, paid for and need.

There is no reason a home care service shouldn't be like part of your loving family.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Worried about a loved one?

Sometimes when you are far away and are concerned about a loved one, you don't know where to turn. This is just one of the many reasons we started Heartfelt of Sedona. We are a grandmother, daughter and granddaughter who love helping with small situations or major problems. We can easily check on a parent, friend or loved one and see if they are okay. Maybe they don't need any help, if so we'll let you know and you can relax. However, if they do, we can recommend a plan to provide day to day care, once a week assistance or whatever is appropriate.

Consider the cost of leaving your job, paying for a plane ticket and coming out to see what's going on really adds up in time, money and stress. We can do it for you, give you piece of mind and save you a tremendous amount of money.

Think of us as a large, friendly, extended family with a positive, caring attitude that is just a phone call or email away!

Patty, Shaun and Brandy